Adapting a local oasis to fight the climate crisis
Though rooted in a green past, Wielwijk is growing towards an even greener future. The key elements of their success are their focus on sustainability and collaboration with locals.
Revitalising a historic park for a climate-proof Bradford
Through LIFE CRITICAL, Bradford is working to transform Horton Park into a climate change resistant hub of biodiversity.
The Critical Role of Monitoring
Interview with Burcu Zijlstra, R&D Engineer at imec the Netherlands, on the role of monitoring in climate adaptation.
Wethouder Marco Stam (ruimtelijke kwaliteit, wonen en klimaatadaptatie) is opgetogen over de ontwikkelingen in Wielwijk: “Het is zo mooi dat we in…
Life Critical: burgerwetenschap in Wielwijk
Wielwijkers meten klimaat en woonbeleving De wijk Wielwijk is volop in beweging! Er gebeurt van alles. Ook op het vlak van de…