Climate Resilience Through Involvement of Local Citizens

Home Page LIFE Critical

LIFE Critical is a LIFE funded program and stands for Climate Resilience Through Involvement of loCAL citizens

The innovative approach addresses the problems that these neighborhoods face with regard to adaptation by exploiting the potential of nearby parks for climate adaptation. Crucial for this approach is the proactive involvement of citizens and co-ownership, because without their support the changes to the parks are difficult to realize.

This is demonstrated in two cities: Wielwijk in Dordrecht and Greater Horton in Bradford. 7 EU cities showed direct interest in this project, of which Ghent (B) and Bergen (N) will participate in the transferability action. In addition, the participation of applicants in EU-wide urban networks ensures that results are widely disseminated and can be replicated. Unique to this Life project is the extensive monitoring program, to provide solid evidence of the impact of the measures demonstrated on the quality of life in the neighborhoods.

More on the EU LIFE program can be found here:

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